April 24, 2024

How to protect your ears and hearing at every age – The Irish Times


Check your child

The vast majority of babies born in Ireland have no hearing problems. However, one or two babies in every 1,000 will be diagnosed with a permanent hearing loss in one or both ears. Identifying a problem early improves long-term outcomes for children and their development. That’s why we screen babies less than one month old.


Check your child

The vast majority of babies born in Ireland have no hearing problems. However, one or two babies in every 1,000 will be diagnosed with a permanent hearing loss in one or both ears. Identifying a problem early improves long-term outcomes for children and their development. That’s why we screen babies less than one month old.

Some hearing milestones we expect at different development ages include:
0-3 months: Startles at loud sounds
4-6 months: Notices toys that make sound
7-12 months: Turns and looks in direction of sound
1-2 years: Listens to simple stories, songs, and rhymes
3-4 years: Hears you when you call from another room

Source: https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/how-to-protect-your-ears-and-hearing-at-every-age-1.4699657

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